Tuesday, July 17, 2007

tonight's workout

warm-up: sauna, dumbell windmills with 15 lbs dumbells, stiff leg deadlifts with bar, 95 lb deadlift, 135 lb deadlift

set 1: 165 x 5
set 2: 175 x 5
set 3: 185 x 5
set 4: 195 x 5
set 5: 205 x 5 (had to grind these out with pause between the last 4)

Single-legged Romanian deadlifts w/ 20 lb dumbell in each hand
set 6: left leg x 10
set 7: right leg x 10
break set: dumbell windmill x 5 with each arm/side bend
set 8: left x 9
set 9: right x 8

Good stuff, the last set of deadlifts were scream hard.

I will be sore tomorrow

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