Friday, November 30, 2007

workout plan

Today will be fun explosive lifts w/ kettlebell: Some combination of swings, double-bell cleans, and one-arm snatches (double snatches will have to wait until I get strong shoulders). Will post workout and numbers below:


(exercise): set 1; set 2; set 3
Alternating exercise each time : swings --> clean ---> snatch ; help speed things up, keep intensity up

Swings: 20, 20, 20

Double Cleans (88lb total): 10, 6, 4 + 3 single left + 3 single right

Snatch: 7 left/10R ; 10L/10R; 7L/6R

Thursday, November 29, 2007

today's workout

walked a mile. Ran 2.5 miles.

Workout last evening

Warm-up: jumping around, Co-Jack karate, medicine ball, etc...


Deadlift (KBell) (88lb) set 1: 10 set 2: 10 set 3: 10

Pull-ups set 1: 7 (slowww) set 2: 8 (faster) set 3: 7 (faster)

Push ups set 1: 12 set 2: --- set 3: 8

Kb chest press (88lb) set 1: --- set 2: 6 set 3: 4

Crunch/Twist set 1: 20 set 2: 15 set 3: 20

Side Bends (44lb) set 1: --- set 2: 5R/5L set 3: 5R/5L

Bent Row (44lb) set 1: 10R/8L set 2: 9R/7L set 3: 8R/8L

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

workout yesterday

warm-up: running around jumping, 1970's style karate moves, 25 kbell swings

set 1 legs: front squats (two 44lb kbell) x 10

set 1 arms: two arm shoulder press with kettlebell (44lbs each) x 4 + 4 push press (using a little momentum)

set 2 legs: front squats x 8

set 2 arms: 3 two arm shoulder press + 4 right arm push press + 2 left arm push press (arms died quick, also from holding weight in squats)

set 3: front squats x 6

set 3: 3 left arm push press + 3 right arm push press (arms have died, maybe need to rest more between squats/arms next time)

walked about 3 miles throughout the day at work and after dinner

Plan for today:

deadlifts, pull-ups, flat ground chest press/pushups, bent over rows, situps (likely 3 sets per each)

Tuesday, November 27, 2007


walked about 3.5 miles

Monday, November 26, 2007

week off

Only exercise I've been getting during this week off is some walking and some hauling/lifting involved in bottling my first batch of homebrew. Will resume on wednesday.

I plan to to start getting more cut up now. I'm up to close to 170 pounds which is a good point to get myself ripped again. I'm going to do this buy including more cardio in my exercise plans (jogging, basketball, high rep kettlebell stuff) and buy avoiding junky/extremely starchy foods more (not completely, because that would suck ass).

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

yesterday, last workout before week off

warm up with some double bell cleans and presses and with medicine ball

front squats with two 44lb kettlebells

set 1 x 9

set 2 x 8

set 3 x 7

2 sets of swings x 20 (44lb)

two sets of side bends with 1 kb x 5 reps/set

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Monday, November 19, 2007

This morning

walked 1.5 miles before work

I've missed a couple of posts....

Mostly because I am brewing a batch of beer and it has been consuming my online activity.... Anyhow:


2 sets of power cleans with 70 lbs x 10
front squats with power cleans x 70 lbs.
push press x 10 x 2 with 70 lbs.
bicep curls x 7 x 2


bench press (slow, robotic style)
135 x 10
155 x 8
145 x 8

pull-ups (slowww)
x 10
L-seat x 4 + 3 regular
L-seat x 4 + 2 regular

windmills with 25 lbs
x 5/arm x 2

single leg RDL w/ two 25lb dumbells
x 10 right x 10 left
x 8 right x 8 left

situps with 15 lb. medicine ball

reverse flys laying on medicine ball (trying to counteract my curved in shoulders, seems like everyone has this imbalance to some degree)

walked 1.5 miles

Thursday, November 8, 2007

last night

no breaks:

ran 5 minutes on tread:

15 tight, controlled pushups + 8 slow dips + 12 very slow seated rows (70lbs)

ran 3 minutes on tread:

15 push + 10 very slow seated row (80lb) + 10 edge of seat dips

ran 2 minutes on tread:

15 push + 10 very slowunderhand seated row (80lb) + 6 slow dips

ran 5 minutes on tread (1.25 miles total)

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

last night's

warming up punching, dancing, freakin out for about 10 minutes.

jump squats with kbell x 10

front squats x 15

clean/press x 3 L + clean/jerk x 4 L
clean/press x 4 R + clean/jerk x 5 R

L-seat chin ups x 3 + 4 regulars (slowww)

windmills x 3 /arm w/ kbell

snatch x 5L x 8 R

front squat x 15

repeat clean/press and clean/jerk

pull-ups x 3 + neutral grip pullups x 3 (slowww)

side bends x 3 / side with kbell

front squat x 15

snatch x 6L x 9R

pull-ups x 8 (fast rhythm)

A scattered workout but I was just going with it because I was very energized

Tuesday, November 6, 2007


walked about 2.5 hilly miles

Monday, November 5, 2007

last night's workout


EXERCISE : set 1 : set 2 : set 3

SLOW PUSHUPS: 12 : 12 : 11


KBELL CURLS (44lb) (with varied assistance from other hand): 5 / arm (1 set) + RUBBER BAND CURLS: 8 : 8

CRUNCHES (holding 9lb bar above 4 head ) 15 : 15 : 12

Saturday, November 3, 2007


front squats x 20 w/ kbell

snatch x 8 left x 11 right

slow pullups (exploded back up for first 4) x 8

swings x 25

repeat except snatch x 7 left x 9 right

final: single leg squat holding 10lbs straight out in front x 2 right x 0 left


walked 5-6 miles (not so fun)

last tues

1 arm bent rows (using chair to put knee on) x 12/ arm with kbell ; major focus on pulling with taught lat with minimal bicep assistance

12 slow pushups

slow crunches with side to side crunch at top x not counting

repeat x 3