Friday, July 6, 2007

Get it

last night workout:


1 - chins (+45 lbs x 5 ) & military press (95 x 5)

2 - pull-up (+45lbs x 3 and hang at 90 degree elbow for 5 sec) & military press (100 x 5)

3 - towel-grip chin x 6 & military press (105 x 4)

4 - L-set chin x 8 & dip (+60lbs x 6)

5 - chins (+45lbs x 3 and hang at 90 degree elbox for 5 seconds, hang at 135 degree for 5) & dip (+60 x 6)

6 - triple set: pull-ups x 6 slow AND 8 two-arm dumbell snatch w/ 20 lbs each arm AND 6 one-arm snatch w/ 20 lbs with left then right arm.

Then I stayed out till three with birthday boy during which time I fed my body with beer and walked probably about 1.5 miles.

I need to actually get some sleep this weekend.

We'll see how it goes.

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