Wednesday, November 28, 2007

workout yesterday

warm-up: running around jumping, 1970's style karate moves, 25 kbell swings

set 1 legs: front squats (two 44lb kbell) x 10

set 1 arms: two arm shoulder press with kettlebell (44lbs each) x 4 + 4 push press (using a little momentum)

set 2 legs: front squats x 8

set 2 arms: 3 two arm shoulder press + 4 right arm push press + 2 left arm push press (arms died quick, also from holding weight in squats)

set 3: front squats x 6

set 3: 3 left arm push press + 3 right arm push press (arms have died, maybe need to rest more between squats/arms next time)

walked about 3 miles throughout the day at work and after dinner

Plan for today:

deadlifts, pull-ups, flat ground chest press/pushups, bent over rows, situps (likely 3 sets per each)

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