Sunday, January 6, 2008

My first go of the workout

This was my first go, I don't remember what day exactly it was, but I'm posting catch up so...:
(see initial "300 kettlebell" post for descriptions of exercises)

1 - Kettlebell pass/hand-off around the body: 10/side

2 - Kettlebell pass/circle around the head: 10/side

3 - Good morning: 10

4 - Windmill (search this one): 5/side

5 - One-arm swing: 10/arm

6 - One-arm swing high pull: 10/arm

7 - One-arm snatch: 10/arm

8 - Clean/press: 10/arm

9 - Circular clean: 7R/7L

10 - Full squat/press: 10R/9L

11 - Cossack curl: 4R/4L (glute/hip muscle cramp real quick)

12 - Lunge/press: 10R/8L

13 - Deck Squat: 10

14 - Reverse Turkish get-up: 3R/1L

15 - Suitcase Row: 10/arm

16 - Crush press situp: 10

17 - Russian Twist: 20 side to side

18 - Pushup on ball of kettlebell: 10 on knees

This was my first go, I did put the kettlebell down alot to both rest and to watch the video some.

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