Pull-up (neutral grip): 8, 8, 6, 6 Seated Row: 120 x 9, 8, 8, 6 Lat Pulldown: 105 x 8; 90 x 9, 9, 8 Bent Dumbell Row: 45R/L x 8, 7; 40R/L x 8, 7 Standing Curl (EZ bar): 50 x 9, 6; 40 x 7 Standing Dumbell Curl: 20R/L x 7; 15R/L x 9, 8
Did a back workout similar to previous week, but I forgot to post it and can't remember the numbers.
Sunday I skipped deadlifting because I had to study for the test, attend a superbowl party, and I really need to let the scabs peel on my shins because they keep getting larger and I need to lets them crust off before I do it again. It has been about 5 weeks straight of lifting them heavy, so it isn't the worst time for a recovery week. Excuses, excuses, shut up ...
I love all types of sports and games, especially disc sports, basketball, volleyball. I'm a homebrewer as well, and enjoy many different many types of beer as well.