Tuesday, October 30, 2007

last night

2 days prior to last night (saturday):

ran 1 mile, walked 1 mile

Warm up jumping around and with medicine ball:

clean & press to clean and jerk (when shoulder begins to tire):
left x 5 press x 3 jerk right x 7 press x 5 jerk

front squats times 15

L-seat chinup x 4 + 4 regular chin

20 swings

single legs squats x 2 / leg

changes: left x 3 x 3 jerk right x 6 x 4 jerk

L-seat chin x 3 x 3

front squats x 10

extra set of 1 leg squats x 2 / leg

Friday, October 26, 2007

lazy post, need to start doing it immediately after working out, but I don't hav a home comp anymore


repeat oct 9th's workout


repeat weekend workout


3 sets of 1 arm dumbell snatch 45 lbs.

2 sets of 1-2 single leg squats / leg

3 sets of sloww bicep curls with 20 lb dumbells

Monday, October 22, 2007



front squats (barbell) 65 lbs x 18
pushups slow x 12
bent over row 65 lbs x 12
slow crunches x 20


1 extra set of bent over rows

Thursday, October 18, 2007

catch up

Sat oct 13th:

kbell rows, pushups, sits ups,


ran 1 + mile in airport holding 20 lb. bag


ghetto workout in hotel room: slow pushups to fail x 3 sets, crunches x 3 sets, overhead squats holding chair above x 3 sets (ouch)

Friday, October 12, 2007


Tossed disc for about 35 minutes.

Ran a quick ~ 2 miles

Drank 3 pints of guinness for my health

Thursday, October 11, 2007


Played tennis for like 45 minutes or so yesterday

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Last night's workout

warm-up: kbell figure 8's, some good mornings, twisting, etc...

sets 1:

5 clean/press left + 5 clean/jerk left
7 clean/press right + 5 clean/jerk right

20 front squat

8 slowwww pullups

20 high swings

sets 2:

5 clean/press left + 3 clean/jerk left
7 clean/press right + 3 clean/jerk right

20 front squat

7 slowwww pullups

20 high swings

right on

Monday, October 8, 2007

missed post

This is for friday night, 05oct2007:

did 2 sets each of unknown quanity of cleans, swings, and snatch. Just made sure that each one was burning seriously before stopping. Yeah, not so scientific, but it was good

Sunday, October 7, 2007


Sat 07oct2007:

ran slow ~ 3 miles


1 set single leg deadlift x 12 / leg
1 set x 15 slow front squat
1 set alternating leg/arm raises from table position (all fours) x 12

with brother:
medicine ball situps x ~ 20
medicine ball side tosses ~ 25 x side
medicine ball front tosses ~ 20
medicine ball between the legs swing tosses ~ 20

lots of frisbee tossing

Friday, October 5, 2007


walked 2.5 miles at work

Night workout:

sets 1:
bent over one arm rows with 44lb kbell x 12/arm very slow
pushups, very slow x 15
situps x 25
windmills x 3 right/arm x 2 left/arm

sets 2:
bent over row x 12/arm very slow
slow pushups x 15
hang leg raise x 5 + situp x 15
windmills x 4 r x 3 l

sets 3:
bent over row (on bench) x 15/arm very slow
slow pushups x 15
side bends with kbell x 6/side
windmills x 2/side

Wednesday, October 3, 2007


Yesterday: I just walked 2.5 miles at home/work

This morning:

warm up - walk for 8 min

ran for ~ 15

cool down - walk for 5 min

approximately 2 miles total

Man, running after waking up is tough, but given my schedule this week, morning is by far a better time to exercise because I don't get off until 8. And if i workout then, good luck sleeping.

Worktime addition: walked 2 miles between work and when I got home

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

yesterdays workout

Sore ass (literally) today:

yesterday's work:

warm up - jumping jacks, figure 8's with k-bell, a couple swings with k-bell

everything except clean/jerk was done very slow and controlled:

front squats w/ kbell x 15
clean/press: left arm x 5 + clean/jerk x 3 (as shoulder gets tired)
clean/press: right arm x 7 + clean/jerk x 3
chin-ups: 4 in L seat + 4 regular
single-leg romanian deadlift x 10/leg

repeat exactly except clean/press or jerk was:
left: x 4 press + 2 jerk
right: x 7 press + 2 jerk

walked about 2.5 miles as well throughout the day night.